Windows and Doors main focus is on serving the building professional.
WDI offers full blueprint takeoff services, jobsite consultation, field measuring, and detailed quotations in an “easy to read” format.
WDI has a clean, up-to-date showroom designed for builders and architects to use by appointment for customer presentations or WDI can make the presentation for the builder or architect to use in their absence, paying particular attention to the specification and pricing guidelines required on a “per job basis.”
WDI offers many more unique services to the building professional. We offer custom pre-finishing for all windows and doors, custom door pre-hanging and the manufacturing and installation of custom leaded glass, both authentic and simulated. We have a locksmith on staff for mortise lock machining and installation, re-keying, etc. We offer this service for both shop and field application. WDI also offers professional installation of all of the products we sell. We only sell garage doors and disappearing screens installed.
Our sales staff is available from 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. daily and Saturday from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Other times are available by appointment.
WDI currently sponsors contractors and installers to participate in Marvin authorized window and door installation training twice a year. Please call WDI for details and dates.